So there's this Misty Edwards song that my sister-in-law Marci let me listen to called "People Get Ready". One line goes "Once again I'm going to shake everything that can be shaken / Once again, I'm going to break everything that can be broken". Yeah, this idea has come up quite a bit for me lately.
(I don't know what it is about certain verses [Heb. 12:26-28] He'll show me a verse MANY times played out in different situations to get His point across. I love it, cuz it's the only way it gets in my thick scull.) Anyways . . . um, what was I talking about . . . oh yeah! Shake and break. God is so cool and scary at the same time. Just imagine someone picking you up by your ankles until all the loose change falls out. Except when it's with God, He shakes out all the impure thoughts, false securities, pride, and those things you and I cling to so desperately. He rips out the secrets that keep us sick.
(Man, I don't know if I'm ready for that. . . then when will you be ready? This world isn't going to last forever so we have to get real. Right now God is shaking away my casual living and hidden sexual secrets too.) What He can do to us is so powerful, and yet He always has our best interests in mind.
That is the God I serve. The God that doesn't mess around. The God that will do whatever it takes to get us to look like Him. If all the demons and darkness are scared of our great God, then why
wouldn't we want to look like Him. So let Him shake it off. Anything that makes you weak and vulnerable to this world (lust, hate, apathy), shake it off! The devil is a roaring lion waiting to devour the weak. But our God is so mighty! PEOPLE GET READY, JESUS IS COMING!