Thursday, June 26, 2008

People Get Ready!

So there's this Misty Edwards song that my sister-in-law Marci let me listen to called "People Get Ready". One line goes "Once again I'm going to shake everything that can be shaken / Once again, I'm going to break everything that can be broken". Yeah, this idea has come up quite a bit for me lately. (I don't know what it is about certain verses [Heb. 12:26-28] He'll show me a verse MANY times played out in different situations to get His point across. I love it, cuz it's the only way it gets in my thick scull.) Anyways . . . um, what was I talking about . . . oh yeah! Shake and break. God is so cool and scary at the same time. Just imagine someone picking you up by your ankles until all the loose change falls out. Except when it's with God, He shakes out all the impure thoughts, false securities, pride, and those things you and I cling to so desperately. He rips out the secrets that keep us sick. (Man, I don't know if I'm ready for that. . . then when will you be ready? This world isn't going to last forever so we have to get real. Right now God is shaking away my casual living and hidden sexual secrets too.) What He can do to us is so powerful, and yet He always has our best interests in mind. That is the God I serve. The God that doesn't mess around. The God that will do whatever it takes to get us to look like Him. If all the demons and darkness are scared of our great God, then why wouldn't we want to look like Him. So let Him shake it off. Anything that makes you weak and vulnerable to this world (lust, hate, apathy), shake it off! The devil is a roaring lion waiting to devour the weak. But our God is so mighty! PEOPLE GET READY, JESUS IS COMING!

Comic Artists

For your enjoyment, I'll talk about my favorite artists. (Ok, so it's more for my enjoyment)
As most of you already know, I adore comic artists. When I was younger, and still sometimes today, I wouldn't pick up a book unless I liked the art. As I got older, I began to notice styles, and I could decipher one artist from the other.

The first artist I did this with was Joe Madureira. His style is fused with Japanese Manga and old time American comic art. I love it! For a long time in the mid 90's I would pick up anything that looked like his, and sure enough, from comics to video game magazines, it had the famous (or famous at least in my mind) MAD! logo. He did a comic called Battle Chasers, but he never finished it :(. Then he was missing from the business for so very long I thought I would cry. He's back now doing work for The Ultimates.

My next favorite is Chris Bachalo. His style is (in my opinion) softer than that of Joe. He is extremely talented at female facial features. He is so detailed and sometimes a bit abstract. However, there are times that his art gets in the way of reading the story line. I find myself reading the same few panels several times to understand where he is going with it. This was just the case when I read his Steampunk series. I don't think I ever knew what was going on in that book, but the art was so beautiful, that I bought everyone I could just to look at the pretty pictures.

If you like cover art, and I know I do, you will love James Jean. HE ACTUALLY DRAWS A COVER THAT FITS THE COMIC!!! Just look at any Fables cover. (It's what won him the Eisner award a few years back for best cover artist) You just don't understand how good the cover art is until you read the comic. He does a lot of work for magazines and usually that stuff is VERY trippy. His concepts simply blow my mind. I would never think of them, yet he creates something so perfect that it seems there is no other way for the art to be done. I believe he is going to have a book of fables covers coming out soon, but I could be wrong.

Man, I could go on and on and on about this stuff. Right now I'm fascinated with art I see on Deviant art. Perhaps I'll do a B-log on that. Dunno.

Everyone Else Does It

So, I'm feeling like such a Peeping Tom. I look at my friends blogs, but I don't say anything. (Not that I have anything worth saying, but hey, everyone else does it). So here I am, blogging away (which, by the way, I think "blog" is a funny non-word-word) "Lyndsey's bLog, star date 2008" ←Wow, am I'm a dork or what. Yeah, every body's blog I've read so far is deep and meaningful, but sorry guys, I don't always write like that. I don't even write in complete. (←see I didn't even finish that sentence) Maybe I'll do some free verse poetry. I don't know. end!

(You're so jealous of my writing skills)